Thank you to everyone who attended Tuesday nights Annual General Meeting. It was very different this year but it was great to see so many attend despite the meeting being held virtually on zoom.

Thanks must go out to the departing captains who have stepped down from their positions. Special mention must be given to out going president Bob Johnson. Bob has been president for over a decade and we would like to thank him for his service to the club over that time. We would also like to extend our gratitude to Mark Henderson, who has resigned from his VP position and also the committee. Thanks Mark.
For those unable to attend last nights meeting, below is a recap of the nights events:
President: Paul Eyre
Chairman: Den Lane
Vice Chairman: Dave Donnelly
Secretary: Sue Allcock
Treasurer: Rachel Townley
Child Welfare Officer: Trevor James
1st XI & T20 Captain: Rob Adderley
1st XI & T20 Vice Captain: Martin McGrail
2nd XI Captain: Daz Acomb
2nd XI Vice Captain: Robbie Barrow
3rd XI Captain: Leon Martyn
3rd XI Vice Captain: George White
Women’s Captain: TBC
Junior Managers
U11‘s: George White
U13’s: Dave Donnelly
U15’s: Martin McGrail
U19’s: Den Lane
We would like to wish all officers, captains & managers good luck for the up coming season!
Also one last note from last nights meeting, it was agreed sub committees for fundraising and groundwork team are to be established going forward. These are to be discussed in more detail at the next committee meeting.
The next committee meeting is scheduled for the 2nd March at 7pm via Zoom.